Clash of Clans - Clan
In Clash of Clans, Clan mean a group of Players that join together to chat, share and/or fight! However, Clan are not available from the beginning, they are locked! It require the Building Clan Castle, that is broken, when starting the game! Also, Clan are optional, but it's a very important part of the game that unlock many many feature! After all, the name of the game is: Clash of Clans! Clan versus Clan!Clan Information
- Each Clan have a Name, Flag, Description, Location and Level!- Number of Players (Up to 50)
- Unique Chat Room (Only for the Clan)
- Total Points (Total of each Clan Players Trophies)
- Clan Rank (Leader, Co-Leader, Elder or Member)
- Clan Perks (Clan XP obtained to offer a Clan Level who give Clan Perks)
- Clan War (Fighting versus other Clan to earn Clan XP and Treasury)
- Clan Request (Clan Members can Request Troops and 1 Dark Spell from their Clan Castle)
- Clan Mail (Clan Message that is deliver into each Clan Members Inbox)
How to be in a Clan
In order to be in a Clan! It require to Repair the broken Clan Castle already placed in the map at the beginning!It cost

When the Clan Castle is repaired! All Clan feature are unlocked! It's now the time to either Join a Clan or Create yours!
Joining a Clan
There's many way to Join a Clan!Searching Clan
- By tapping the Clan Castle (Building) > Clan (Button) and Search Clans (Tab)
However, a Clan have a Clan Type, that can be either "Anyone can join", "Invite only" or "Closed"!
Global Chat
- By tapping the Left Side Arrow (Open Chat) > Global (Tab)
There's many Clan Members that are Recruiting Players to Join their Clan!
Accepting an Clan Invitation
- By tapping the Mail (Button) > Inbox (Tab) > Accept/Reject
If you are writing into the Global Chat about "looking for a clan", you can receive Invitation!
Note: Clan can set a Minimum Trophies to Join!
Creating a Clan
To create your own Clan in Clash of Clans, it require
When you are ready to create your Clan and pay the 40,000 Golds! It's time to fill your new Clan informations! By tapping the Clan Castle (Building) > Clan (Button) and Create Clan (Tab):
- Clan Name
- Clan Symbol (Badge)
- Description
- Clan Type (Anyone can join, Invite only or Closed)
- Minimum trophies to join (0 to 4200)
- War Frequency (Always, Never, Twice a week, Once a week, Rarely or Not set)
- Clan Location
Note: The Clan Name cannot be edited after the Clan is created!
Editing a Clan
To edit the Clan Informations, it require the right Clan Rank! Only the Leader and Co-Leader can have the possibility to Edit the Clan Informations!By tapping the Clan Castle (Building) > Clan (Button) > Edit (Button):
- Clan Badge
- Description
- Clan Type (Anyone can join, Invite only or Closed)
- Minimum trophies to join (0 to 4200)
- War Frequency (Always, Never, Twice a week, Once a week, Rarely or Not set)
- Clan Location
- Public War Log
- Friendly Wars
Clan Badge
Any Clans possess a Clan Badge when the Clan is created! It can be edit at anytime! It exists, 79 Patterns, 12 Backgrounds and 20 Borders, that can be use to create the Clan Badge!The Clan Badge will be used on the Clan Castle (Building) and for Clan Troops (Match) when fighting!
Clan Description
Any Clans possess a Clan Description when the Clan is created! It can be edit at anytime! The Clan Description can write up to ?? characters! It's important to be creative and original when writing the Clan Description to attract other Players to join your Clan!Clan Type
There's 3 different Clan Type:Anyone can join
When a Clan use as Clan Type: Anyone can join, it really mean anyone can join, but, if the Clan have choose a Minimum trophies to join! You'll still need that Minimum number of trophies!
Invite only
When a Clan use as Clan Type: Invite only, it have 2 different scenario!
By the Player who want to join a Clan need to send a Clan Invite, to do, by tapping on Join (Button) inside the Clan Profile it will send inside the Clan Chat a Message: "[Player Name] I'd like to join your clan" (default message). With the right Clan Rank: Leader, Co-Leader and Elder will have the possibility to click on 2 buttons: "Reject" or "Accept".
By any Clan Rank: Leader, Co-Leader or Elder, those Players can Send Invite to offer any Players who doesn't have a Clan to Join their Clan! The Player will receive a Message inside their Inbox with the subject: Accept Clan invitation? [Clan Name] Reject or Accept.
Note: Clan Rank: Member, cannot Send Invite or Reject/Accept Invite!
When a Clan use as Clan Type: Closed, it really mean that NO ONE can join!
Clan Minimum trophies to join
A Clan can choose a Minimum number of trophies to join their Clan! It can be a number between 0 to 4,200 Trophies! To join those kind of Clan, your Number of Trophies have to be higher of equal their Minimum trophies to join! However, a Player from the Clan with the Clan Rank: Leader, Co-Leader and Elder can still send Clan Invitation to Player under the Minimum trophies to join!Note: If the Clan use a Minimum trophies to join of 1000! If a Clan-mates become under 1000 trophies, they will not automatically be kicked from the Clan!
Clan War Frequency
There's 6 different War Frequency:- Always, Never, Twice a week, Once a week, Rarely or Not set
It only represent an approximation of how often the Clan is participating in Clan Wars!
Clan Location
The Clan Location determined where the Leader is Located in the World! It's normally a good idea to choose a Clan Location withing yours because of how active you will find other Members in the Clan!Clan Ranks
There's 4 different Clan Ranks:- Leader (Only 1)
The Leader of the Clan is the Player who create the Clan! He possess all the right from the Clan! He can promote/demote/kick Co-Leader, Elder or Member. He can edit the Clan Informations, Declare War, Send Mail, Send Invite and Accept/Reject Invite!
- Co-Leader (No Limit)
A Co-Leader of the Clan can promote/demote/kick Elder or Member. They can edit the Clan Informations, Declare War and Send Mail, Send Invite and Accept/Reject Invite!
- Elder (No Limit)
An Elder of the Clan can kick other Member (only 1 each 20min) and can Send Invite and Accept/Reject Invite! They cannot promote/demote any Players from the Clan, cannot edit the Clan Informations, cannot Declare War and cannot Send Mail!
- Member
A Member of the Clan is a regular member with no special right! Any Member who Join a Clan will start with the Clan Rank: Member. Member cannot Send Invite and Accept/Reject Invite and cannot promote/demote/kick others!
Clan Ranking
Every Clan in Clash of Clans have a Clan Ranking! The Clan Ranking is based on the number of trophies of each Members in the Clan! However, the sum is determined by 5 different way:Members in Clan | Percent of Trophies Count by each Members |
1 - 10 | 50% |
11 - 20 | 25% |
21 - 30 | 12% |
31 - 40 | 10% |
41 - 50 | 3% |
The Total of Trophies will determined the Clan Ranking! The Clan Ranking is used into the Clan Tournament to a chance to win Gems for all Clan Members!